How to Add Google Analytics to Blogger

How to Add Google Analytics to Blogger

There is probably not a more interesting real-time or site statistics tool than Google Analytics. If you haven't used it before you'll find that it blows away the Blogger stats tool in the Blogger editor. I haven't added it to Blogger Tips Pro earlier since I've been intending to create the tutorial - but kept putting it off for other reasons. I do use it for my other sites, however.

Let's get started. If you don't have a Google Analytics account yet you just need to sign into your Blogger Google account to start. Now, if you have a large number of blogs under a parent name or company then I would suggest you monitor all of your sites from a single account. You be the judge.

Creating a Google Analytics Account

Once you're logged in, simply go to - you should see a page like this. Just select 'create an account':

Now that you're into the main sign-up page just click the 'Sign up' button to start:

You'll now be presented with a number of options to get your account started. I chose 'Website' and 'Universal Analytics' as my options to start. I felt that the benefits of the Beta would be good to try out.

Scroll down the screen to find the rest of the options  - enter your 'Account Name', 'Website Name' and 'URL':

There are some more options near the bottom of the sign-up screen called 'Data Sharing Settings' and I will let you pick and choose if you want to opt-in on those. Once you've done that just click on the 'Get Tracking ID' prompt at the bottom of the page, accept the Terms and Conditions and you're ready!

Adding Your Analytics ID to Blogger

You'll be brought into the main page with the 'Tracking ID'. One point to remember is that the ID is tied to a specific blog. If you have more that one blog be sure to go back in and create another ID for a different blog.

I've highlighted the ID below - this is the ID you're going to want to copy and paste into Blogger. Be sure to copy this ID right now by highlighting it and using a mouse click copy:

Now, go back and log into Blogger - open your specific blog - and choose the 'Settings', 'Other' menus and scroll down to the bottom of the form to find the 'Google Analytics' entry field like this:

Add your analytics ID in the empty field as I have above and press 'Save Settings' in the upper right of the screen. Your blog is now ready and monitoring all users hitting your site.

Viewing the Google Analytics Data

The best part of the analytics screens is just the overall breadth of what data is provided. My goal in this tutorial is not to give you an in-depth view. However, go back into your Analytics account to get to the reporting data.

The main page you want to look at is the 'Reporting' screens where you'll see your traffic and other analytical information:

Here is a snapshot of one of my old sites with the type of data you'll see in your main Google Analytics dashboard:

My favorite view in the Analytics page is the real-time view of who's hitting the site. Here is literally minutes after I added the ID:

You can see that a desktop, mobile and tablet hit the blog and what pages are being access. That is a very cool view of your site's traffic. There's so much more you can do with what Google provides. Enjoy!!
How to put AdSense ads in Blogger blog

How to put AdSense ads in Blogger blog

  There are 2 ways to add AdSense ads in your blog

Method 1: Direct via Blogger Adsense gadget

Sign into
Dashboard > Layout > Add a gadget > Add an AdSense gadget

Then in Layout, drag the newly added AdSense gadget to wherever you want and SAVE.

Method 2: Indirect via AdSense codes

Sign into and click MY ADS at the top left, then +New ad unit, then select the ad unit you want.
After selecting the ad unit, at the bottom, click SAVE AND GET CODE

Now go to
Dashboard > Layout > Add a gadget > HTML/Javascript gadget
Paste the AdSense code into the gadget
Drag the gadget to where you want and save.

How to Put Youtube video to Blogger

In the COMPOSE mode of Blogger post editor there is a video upload icon which you can click to upload video. However, we have found that to be messy and if you want videos in your blog, it is far better to upload them to Youtube then embed into your blog.

After you have successfully uploaded a video to, then below the video click SHARE > EMBED to get the embed code. The code will look something like this (you don't need to understand the code in order to use it):

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Then if you want to embed the video into a blog post, then click the orange pencil icon to open the post editor. Note that you have to be in the HTML mode. Note also the width of the video above is 560px and this may be wider than your blog post column width. To change, click the SHOW MORE below, select CUSTOM SIZE

Youtube embed video custom size

Click in width field and type a number suitable for your blog post column width then click in the HEIGHT field. The height will automatically be added such that the aspect ration is maintain so video wouldn't be distorted.

If you want to embed the video in the sidebar, go to Dashboard > Layout > Add a gadget > Add a HTML/Javascript gadget, paste the code into the field and save. Note: if you don't know the sidebar width, go to
Dashboard > Layout > Template Designer > Adjust width
and you can see the sidebar width there (also total width - sidebar width = blog post column width)
 How to Get More Google+ Followers by Next Week

How to Get More Google+ Followers by Next Week

      Google+ is still a very important part of the social media landscape. Even though Google Authorship has disappeared , we still have Google+. Growing your presence on this social media giant is as important as ever.
I want to tell you how you can grow your Google+ following. Unlike Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook, there are no follow penalties or limits on how many people you can follow, or how many people can follow you. This is a recipe for major expansion.
     Keep in mind that you don’t just want to grow your numbers. You want engaged followers. In this post, I’ll explain both how you can boost your numbers and increase your engagement.
Follow my instructions, and you’ll have an extra 500 followers or more by next week.

Optimize the heck out of your profile.

I know I’m starting with the boring, but I’ve got to say it. Your profile needs to look good.
There are millions of people on Google+. Your profile must stand out to people who are in your niche.
You don’t want to be yet another bland, faceless entity on Google+. You want to shape your profile into something that looks interesting. Be a person that others want to follow.
When I look at the profile of Guy Kawasaki, he looks like the kind of guy I want to put in my circles. He’s interesting, active, and has a ton of followers).

So, go fix up your profile. Put some real pictures of your face. Add your story. Invent a tagline, and give people an interesting introduction.
If you don’t start with an optimized profile, every other tip I share with you below is going to be a waste of your time.

Follow as many people as possible.

In order to be followed, you must follow others. It’s the name of the social media game.
In social media, there are certain unwritten rules of etiquette. One such rule is the follow-back etiquette. If someone follows you, you follow them back, as long as they don’t look like some spam account. You get a pass on the follow-back etiquette if you’re a really busy person or a celebrity.
This is where a Google+ following begins. You start adding people to your circles.
Here’s how you do this.
  • Click on the people icon in the upper right.
  • You should see a list of “People to Add.”
  • Go through the list of people with whom you have some association — colleges, college buddies, neighbors, etc.
  • Add them to relevant circles. By the way, I wouldn’t worry about trying to classify everyone just perfectly. I’m all about being organized, but a tedious friend taxonomy will probably just waste your time in the long run. Don’t worry about what you call your circles. Other people can’t see your circles.
Add as many people as you want to. The more you add, the more likely they are to add you back.
If there are people who followed you, then you can follow them back. These are the “People to Add.” The other people you’ll see are “Suggestions.” Add them, too.

To take your following up to the next level, go to the “See more suggestions page.” This is where you can focus your following, and add a lot of people in a very limited amount of time.
Again, you want an engaged follower list, not just a bunch of numbers. You can use this page to refine your efforts. In addition, you can use the “Add all” button at the top right to add dozens or even hundreds of people at once.

How many people should you add to your circles? As many people as you think are relevant to your niche and interests.
Here are some general rules.
Of the people you follow…
  • One quarter of the strangers not in your niche will follow you back.
  • One half of the strangers who are in your niche will follow you back.
  • Two thirds of your friends will follow you back.
Do the math, and see how many followers you can get.
Remember what I said about optimizing your profile? If you add someone to your circles, they will get notified. Then, they will go and look at your profile. If you don’t look very interesting, they won’t add you. If you do look interesting, then you’re in, and you’ve gained a follower.

Join communities.

When you add people to your circles, you’re putting your name in front of one person at a time.
That’s okay. But what if you could put your name in front of hundreds or thousands of people?
You can. It’s called communities.

When you join a community, you are part of a larger group of people who are engaged on a certain topic. This is another way that you can refine your level of engagement on Google+ in order to amass not just a lot of followers, but the right kind of followers.
This community, for example, has nearly 100,000 people. If I join this community, I have a good chance of widening my exposure among people who are interested in Google+ Updates.

On the communities page, Google+ suggests communities that you can be a part of.
Look for communities to join that have these characteristics:
  • Large. The definition of “large” varies according to your niche, but if it has a few hundred or thousand members, it’s probably a pretty good size.
  • Active. Each image icon tells you how many posts the group has. I’m looking for numbers in the thousands here.
  • Relevant. Only join communities that are relevant to your interests.

While you’re busy joining communities, don’t forget to allow your community memberships to show on your profile. This could give you an extra leg up to gain more exposure and more followers.
Post on Google+ every day.
Here’s another general rule of social media. It doesn’t matter what social media platform you’re using, this is always true:
  • The more active you are, the more often you’ll appear in feeds.
  • The more often you appear in feeds, the more like you are to be seen and followed.
In other words, the more active you are, the more people will follow you.
I recommend that you post regularly on Google+. Treat it like your own personal mini blog. Be sure to keep your content style varied.
It’s easy to pop up some text, photos, a link, a video, or even an event with a single click.

As long as you have an engaging commentary, you’ll continue to pick up a steady stream of followers. By the way, it’s best to keep your posts available to the public in order to gain as wide an exposure as possible.

Interact with what’s hot.

If you want to get right in on the Google+ action, you don’t have to guess around as to what’s popular. Like Twitter’s trending topics, you can find out exactly what’s hot

   To get in on the action, visit this tab and start interacting.
  • Comment on popular posts.
  • Share popular posts.

Explore hashtags, and use them.

From the “What’s Hot” tab, you can explore hashtagged posts. Type in a topic to explore what other topics are relevant. Use this list to improve your own use of hashtags.
Here’s how you can use the discover feature. Start by typing in whatever it is you’re interested in.

You can use one of the auto-suggestions, or choose your own.
Based on the hashtag that you enter, Google+ will suggest others.

These are the hashtags that the Google+ algorithm has selected as hot and popular. In other words, these are the hashtags you need to be using in your Google+ updates.
Hashtags are a powerful way to increase your exposure and follows. Be sure to use them, plenty of them, every time you post.
For more tips on Google+ hashtags, check out Anne Smarty’s article on Social Media Examiner.

Ask for +1s on your posts.

Statistics shows that if you ask for likes, retweets, or +1s, you’ll get them. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.
When you post something, especially something good, ask for +1s. “Something good” might be a blog you’ve recently written or guest posted somewhere.

Watch ripples.

Ripples is one of the underused features of Google+. Most people view it as more of a curiosity than a strategy. Let me tell you how you can use Ripples to grow your followers.
First, locate a post that you think is interesting or engaging.
Then, locate the small down arrow in the upper right of the post. This produces a drop down menu. Click “View Ripples.”

The Ripple display helps you know who’s sharing what, and how far their reach is. Your goal in viewing the ripples is to find those influencers, and add them to your circles.
If they follow you back, then they have a good chance of resharing content that you have on your feed. This, in turn, gives you more exposure and more follows.
Assuming the post below is on a topic in your niche, then these people may be helpful to have as influencers.

Pick the best time to post.

The time you choose to post has a big impact on how many people you’ll reach.
Part of finding out the best time to post is trial and error. Your time zone, niche, and audience are all an important part of the consideration.
You can use an app called Timing+ to find out what the best time is for you.

Mention influential people in your post.

If you want to hobnob with the influencers, get on their radar, and pick up some extra follows, then try this targeted technique: Tag influential people when you post an update.
Obviously, you don’t want to annoy people or spam them. But if you do have something worth saying to the right people, go ahead and say it.
As long as you are following these people, you can tag them in your post.

Link to your profile whenever and wherever you can.

You’ll pick up extra follows in all the sources where you have your Google+ profile featured. Be generous with mentioning your Google+ account.
  • Link to it in guest posts.
  • Put it in your email signature.
  • Add it to your blog.
The more you spread your Google+ link across the web, the more people will follow you.


Here’s the great thing about gaining Google+ followers. The more you get, the more you’ll get. It’s like a snowball. As you amass more followers, you’ll appear in more feeds, in more circles, in more groups, and in more discussions.
If you can get things going, Google+ will eventually start to take care of itself.
How to Make Category Tabs in Blogger

How to Make Category Tabs in Blogger

      It was a great addition to Blogger when they added the tab menus as a feature. However, many times I've heard people asking how they can alter their menu tabs to be Blogger categories instead of Pages. Good news is that this is a very simple thing to do and only requires a few steps.

What you may not have realized is that in the Blogger Pages menu item is the ability to link to a URL instead of a Blogger Page and that Blogger categories (or labels) are just that - blogger URLs.

Getting the Category URLs

First thing you want to do is to make sure each of your posts have labels defined. If you want your posts to be seen in only one category then you can only give each post a single label. Next stepis to find the URL of one of your Blogger categories by clicking on the category directly like this:

In my Wordpress test template blog you can see I have 2 labels or categories defined. Once you click on it go up to your browser's URL to see what the category link is. Interesting result -- they're just searches:

You can sese that the label URL is just (yourblog)/search/label/(labelname). Make a copy of your label URL and save it off to the side for a moment.

Setting the Tabs to Point to a URL

Now, go to the Blogger main menu and select the 'Pages' item and 'New Page':

What you'll see at this point is a drop down selection of if you want a new Blank page or to enter a Web address.  Select the 'Web address' like so:
What you'll want to do now is to enter your Lable/Category in the first text box and the URL you just saved in the 'Web address (URL)' box like this:

Press 'Save' to add this category page to your list of Pages. If you read some of my earlier tutorials you saw that in order for tab menus to appear on you blog, you first have to set the 'Show pages as' to 'Top tabs':

in order for them to show up on your blog. Be sure the 'Pages' widget is added as well in the Layout manu of your blog in the right spot - this is where the Tabs will show (ignore the 'Edit' button here - just make sure the Pages widget is there):

Once you save your template you should see your new tab at the top of your blog:

If you click on this what happens is you're directed to the URL you entered in the Pages section. One thing you may notice right away, however, is this not so nice search result image at the top of your blog:

Removing the Search Label

If you don't like that appearing you can remove it by editing your template directly. Just go into the template editor and choose 'Edit HTML':

If you hadn't noticed there was a change in the html editor for Blogger. Key things to note are the expand triangle on the side, the new 'Jump to widget' dropdown, and the selections within:

The search result image that we want to remove is located just above the Blog section of your template. In my case it is called 'Blog1' which is the default. However, yours may have a different name if you named your Blog widget different.  Just select that from the drop down and expand the triangles next to the lines that have widget: id='Blog1' and widget: id='main' like this:

What you're looking for is the ling that says b:include data='top' name='status-message'. That is the status image we want to disable. Just add the html comment characters (<!-- and -->) to both end like I've circled above to disable that message.  Save your template.

That's it! You now have a menu tuned to your categories rather than pages. This will be especially useful if you have a news site. You can look at my tab example called 'Backgrounds' on my Wordpress test template blog here:

Good luck!
How to add or Place Ads anywhere inside the Blog Posts

How to add or Place Ads anywhere inside the Blog Posts

        Ads can be placed anywhere inside a blog post. You can easily garner users’ attention by placing ads at the right location. There are no hard and fast rules to choose a right location to place the ads. You just need to think from the point of blog visitors’ view and decide on a location. Moreover, layout and theme of your blog can also help you to decide where to place ads. If you run a blog that is related to science and technology, then it is better to place ads at the sides, as that would not distract users’ attention. Whereas if you run a blog to promote a product, then you can place ads anywhere inside a blog post.
Google’s blogger has built-in feature to place ads between multiple posts. Here are the steps to place ads between blog posts.

1. Log in to your blogger account. Go to “Template” and then “Page Elements”. Inside the “Page Elements” you can see the heading “Blog Post” with an edit link. Click on the edit link.
2. In the edit page, you can see few checkboxes. Check on the “Show Ads between posts.” By enabling this checkbox, you are allowing Google to place ads between posts.
3. Next, click on “Show after every post” dropdown menu. This dropdown menu allows you to specify whether you want an ad to appear after every post or after multiple posts. If you want ads to be placed after every 2 posts, then select 2 from the drop down menu.
4. Next, you can see the format and color options. These options allow you to choose the format and the background color of the ads.
5. Save the changes and refresh your blog to see the ads placed between your blog posts.
These steps are simple and can be easily followed even by a novice blogger. The limitation with this method is you cannot place ads between a post title and a post body. You can easily garner users’ attention by placing ads between a post title and a post body.
The first step is to get the code that displays the ads. The following steps show how to get AdSense code for Google AdSense.

1. Get the AdSense Code: Log in to your Google AdSense account. Go to “AdSense Setup” and select “Products”. Here you can see various options. Select the “AdSense for Content” and click on “Ad Unit.” Then follow the instructions until the website generates an AdSense code. Copy this AdSense code and paste it in a notepad.
2. Parse the AdSense code: The generated AdSense code has less than, greater than, and quote symbols which you need to replace as per HTML standards. Here are the steps to replace the symbols with valid HTML code. Replace a less than symbol with an ampersand followed by “lt” and a semicolon. In the same way replace a greater than symbol with an ampersand followed by “gt” and a semicolon. Make use of the notepad “Search and Replace All” feature to replace all such symbols with their respective HTML code. After you parse the code, it is ready to be placed in the blog template.
3. Back up your blog template: Before you start to edit the blog template, it is better to backup the blog template, incase if anything goes wrong.
4. To place ads between post title and post body: Open the blog template and search for “post-body”. Next, place the AdSense code above the div-class=’post-body’. Now the ads will appear between a post title and post body.
5. To place ads on the left side of your post after the post title: To do this, first wrap the AdSense code inside “div style=float:left” . Next, search for “div class=’post-header-line-1?. Place the AdSense code immediately below the ‘”post-header-line-1? div tag.
6. To place ads on the right side of your post after the post title: To do this, first wrap the AdSense code inside “div style=’float:right;”. Next, search for “div class=’post-header-line-1?. Place the AdSense code immediately below the “post-header-line-1? div tag
If you are expecting good amount of traffic to your blog, then you can harness that traffic to generate revenue by placing ads that would be beneficial for the blog visitors. If you are a novice, then learning how to place ads at different locations inside a blog is certainly going to benefit you in the end.

How to Backup Your Blogger Template

Backing Up Your Blogger Template

Just go into the Blogger main menu for your specific blog and choose the 'Template' option. Up in the far right corner is the 'Backup/Restore' option for your template. Just click on that to start the backup process:

Blogger template backup

A pop-up dialog will appear with the Backup / Restore options with the button to 'Download full template' like this:

Blogger backup and restore template dialog

The template is just an XML file - you'll see a long, odd name for it when you press the button such as this one:

Just choose a convenient location on your hard drive by selecting 'Save File' so that you can retrieve it later if necessary.

Restoring Your Blogger Template

If you want to restore a template, just follow the same steps but choose the 'Browse' option in the window below to find your Blogger template XML file:

The file on the disk should look something like this:

You can see that I've selected it - just double-click the file to get it into the file box:

Hit the 'Upload' button to restore - you should be good to go! Remember, you can use the Restore option to import templates as well - more on that in future posts.
How to Turn Your Laptop to a Touchscreen Device           by kingboma

How to Turn Your Laptop to a Touchscreen Device by kingboma

You really is not gonna believe this. Seem too good to be true when you first get to know you can turn your laptop to a touchscreen device. Portronics Handmate promised just did that, letting you experience the joys of owning one of those 'hybrid' devices at fraction of the cost. But does it work? Let's find out.

Even though there is going to be a hardware attachment, setting up the Handmate Windows 8 Pen is simple - just connect it to any available USB port on your Windows 8 laptop and fix the receiving unit on one of the edges of the screen, about halfway from the top. Go to Control Panel to calibrate the screen (the device comes with instructions on where exactly to go) and a barely a minute later, you are good to go. We hooked up the device to a HP Windows 8 laptop, but any standard Windows 8 machine should do.

Put in the batteries into the pen-shaped stylus and start operating your Windows 8 device by touching your laptop screen - swipe around the Windows 8 home screen, touch to start applications, swipe from edge to bring up the system menu and more, just like your device always had touch. The device really comes into its own when playing games like Cut The Rope or when you want to put finishing touches to your masterpiece in Paint.

However, there's more to touch than just fun and games - combine the Handmate Windows 8 Pen with Microsoft Office's Inking capabilities (found under the Review tab) and you have perhaps the fastest way to give feedback on Office documents while on the move.

A word of caution though, if you're used to super sensitive touch experience of the iPad and the likes, the Handmate Windows 8 Pen will take some getting used to. The stylus requires slightly heavier pressing than you'd probably expect, but not the kind that'll wear you down. It's a small adjustment to make, and one you'll likely make swiftly.

The Handmate Windows 8 Pen comes bundled with spare stylus and batteries that power the stylus. Portronics claims 500 hours of battery life given working/ standby ratio of 1:9. The sensors on the Handmate Windows 8 Pen use a combination of infrared and ultrasound technologies and work on screens sized 16-inches and below, which means it is good to use with laptops and even desktop monitors of that size. A newer generation product that will work with screen sizes of up to 25-inches is expected soon.

All in all, Handmate Windows 8 Pen offers a decent option for those looking to add a dash of touch to their Windows 8 experience. At Rs. 4,999 it's a not-so-expensive option to see if touch fits in your workflow before you take the plunge and buy an expensive native touchscreen device.

How To Run Android Applications On Laptop Or Computer

Ever wished you could run and enjoy the millions of Android applications like games and others on your laptop or desktop computer? It is a dream come true!

BlueStacks is an Android emulator. BlueStacks App Player lets you run Android apps full screen on Windows and Mac. Over 5 million people around the world use top apps like Angry Birds Space, Kik Messenger, Where's My Water and more on their laptops with BlueStacks. It took 10 engineers two years to build the complex "LayerCake" technology that enables this to happen, but you get to experience it free.

It indeed is a great news for all my non-android using visitors who have been hungering for the Android experience! You can now download, install and enjoy android applications on your PC for free. I will show you how to run and enjoy Android applications (like Whatsapp) on your Laptop or Desktop PC.

The PC application which enables you download, install and use WhatsApp and other Android applications on your Laptop or desktop PC is BlueStacks.

How to Run WhatsApp and other Android applications on your PC:
1. Download Bluestacks for your PC or Mac from their official website.

2. Install it (an Internet Connection may be required).

3. Then run it. It will launch the interface viz:

4. You will find a search button, click it then type the name of the Android application you wish to download e.g 'Whatsapp'.
5. From the search results, select your desired application, and install and run, and Bingo!

And... enjoy Android on PC!
How To Set Android To 3G Only For Faster Internet Surfing        Postby HowTutor

How To Set Android To 3G Only For Faster Internet Surfing Postby HowTutor

Android_Image.jpg (2.68 KiB) Viewed 1510 times

The following tutorial will detail to you how to enforce 3G only connection on your Android device - phone, tablets or others. But why? Most Android phones and tablets have capabilities of both 3G/HSDPA data connection speed as well and 2G data capability. Naturally, Android may fluctuate between the two, or even decide to prefer the 2G as it consumes less battery and data, as a power-saver strategy.

However, to get the best internet experience, you may need to set your device to use 3G only if you are not on wireless broadband.

How To Do This:

2, Then, proceed to MORE SETTINGS or MORE...
4. Select 3G SERVICE
5. For multi-SIM devices, ensure the right SIM card is selected.
6. The second option will give you opportunity to select
a. Automatic 2G GSM and 3G WCDMA
Android 3G Only Setting.png
Android 3G Only Setting.png (23.86 KiB) Viewed 1509 times

Select the second option and you are good.

Share and like if you found my tutorial useful.
How To Make Android Battery Life Last Longer        Postby HowTutor

How To Make Android Battery Life Last Longer Postby HowTutor

Wondering how to make Android device battery last long? Many Android devices have average battery performances. However, to get the best out of your device, below are certain tips and tricks brought to you by HowTutor.Com to improve battery performance of your phone or tablet.

1. Reduce the screen brightness and/or timeout: This is no rocket science. The brighter and the longer the screen light stays, the more the power your device consumes. So, to save battery life, dim (or reduce the brightness of) your screen back light and the length of time it stays up when unused before time out or sleep.
How to: Simply navigate to SETTINGS, then DISPLAY, then BRIGHTNESS. Now set the level to a lower level, maybe none, I bet you. Also, check SLEEP or TIME OUT SETTINGS. Reduce this. You will see a great improvement in your battery performance.

2. Switch off unused connections: This is also common. Take a look at your phone now, and I bet you, at least your Bluetooth, or Wireless WiFi or even both are on. And you are currently not using either. Now you complain your battery doesn't lat. How will it last? These services drain the battery life as they use power. So, basically, switch off unused networking connections.
How to: Simply turn off these services under SETTINGS.

3. Get rid of vibrations: Simply check your audio profiles and get rid of vibrations be it of key press or sound profile.
How to: First, customize your audio profile (General, Silent, Meeting etc) and switch off vibration unless necessary to leave it on. Secondly, under SETTINGS, check INPUT/KEYBOARD settings, and remove VIBRATE ON KEYPRESS. This also drains battery.

4. Remove unnecessary notifications and push messages: These services use power and a lot of background processes. Use only those that are necessary.
How to: Simply reduce the number of background processes, and/or determine each app settings to remove or reduce notifications and push messages.
Android-battery-performance.png (7.69 KB) Viewed 1491 times

5. Reduce sound volume: Unless you are using your phone as a DJ speaker, why the loud sound on each call? Cut it! Reduce the phone volume and the reduced decibels will reflect on your battery life span.
How to: Under SETTINGS, see your audio profiles, and customize the General profile, reducing the sound volume.

6. Use auto-power saving mode: Using the power saving mode at periods you don't use the android device will save you a lot of power. The power saving mode will reduce CPU usage, screen brightness, suppress unnecessary background process, reduce sound volume and many more.
How to: Using free apps like Du Battery Saver, or the inbuilt Android settings system, select the power saving mode especially when battery is getting low automatically. Enjoy Android - by

7. Uninstall unnecessary apps: This will reduce unnecessary excessive background processes and memory leakage that tell on battery.
How to: Simply review your APPS list under SETTINGS, and uninstall unneeded ones.

8. AUTO-POWER ON/OFF: Switch off Android device when not needed: A good feature of many Android devices is the AUTO-POWER OFF/ON SETTING. This will program your device to power down as specified time of the day/night, say 1.00 am, and auto power up at say, 5.00 am. This saves battery life span and performance.
How to: Check under SETTINGS to see if your device has this feature and take advantage of it. Set the power off to when you are not going to need the device, and let it auto power on when the need arises.

10. 3G Data drinks battery: Switch off when unneeded. Switch back to edge or GPRS when 3G connection is not needed. 3G data service drinks battery life.
How to: Navigate to your data settings and toggle between 3G and EDGE.

Android is lovely. Get the best out of your device by making the power last to serve you right via some basic non-rocket-science set of battery and power best practices.
Enjoy Android - by HowTutor.Com
3 Ways That Can Help You to Remove Malware

3 Ways That Can Help You to Remove Malware

Malware, spyware and viruses have one particular thing in common. They very easily slow down your computer, steal important information and corrupt vital files. There are many other unsuitable and inappropriate things that they are capable of doing. It is a well- known fact that not all the malwares are created in an equal manner and there are some items that are harder to remove when compared to the others. There are three ways that you can use to get rid of malware. These have been explained as follows.
1. Scanning
There are thousands and millions of different programs that are out there in the virus/spyware removal category. Also most of these programs are free which a good thing is. Different programs will give you different results and thus it depends on what exactly you wish to get from these programs. Hence the best thing that you can do when your computer is infected with multiple viruses is to run multiple programs. In order to get around this thing, you can either scan the system or you can enter the safe mode on your Windows system.
2. Rescue disks
In addition to entering the safe mode, you can also scan your computer before your Windows has a chance of getting booted up. This can be done by utilizing an offline virus scanner and sometimes a pre- boot scanner. The way that this works is that you will have to use another computer to properly download a file for ISO image from any anti- virus company.
3. Clean install
A clean install is not meant to be the most fun thing to do. However, it is a method that can guarantee you to get rid of all the viruses, malware as well as spyware. It is also pretty straight forward, when you are able to do a clean install. You will be able to delete everything on your hard disk and therefore there will not be any viruses. There will also be times, when a virus will not be able to infect items like text documents, pictures, MP3 files and videos. Here, a good thing to do is to scan all your personal data and even then if there are no viruses to be found, you can copy it to your external drive.
The above explained steps will help you to get rid of malware as soon as possible and also in an effective manner.
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How to fix Samsung Galaxy S4 that keeps turning off on its own & other power related problems

How to fix Samsung Galaxy S4 that keeps turning off on its own & other power related problems

Galaxy S4 reboots, battery percentage drops

Problem: My Samsung Galaxy S4 keeps turning off on its own all the time, it could be on 100% and turns off. When it did turn back on the phone would no longer be on 100%, it could be in the 60’s sometimes less, sometimes more. When the phone turns off, it goes to the start up screen then goes blank again. This process repeats over and over. To make it go back to normal I would have to plug it into a charger and it would turn on but now when I plug the charger in the same thing happens when the start up screen shows. Why is this happening?
When I go on camera to take a photo if the real camera is on it works, but when I switch to front camera the screen either shows what the last thing the back camera was facing or when I go off camera and back on and the front facing camera is on it will just be a black screen.
My phone is still in the guarantee, should I get a new phone or replace the battery. if replace the battery will this solve the camera problem?
Troubleshooting: Most often, service providers and retailers allow only a 15-day grace period to replace your phone with a new unit. Beyond that, the warranty means that you’ll only get a free service for as long as the damage is warrantable. So, the option of getting a new phone is out of the question if your unit is more than 15 days, which I believe it is.
Now, about your problem, it’s obviously the battery. I am not sure how many times the phone turns off or reboots on its own everyday but if it happens twice or three times already, the firmware may have something to do with it. In this case, the first thing you should do is to try the soft reset (battery pull).
  1. Remove the back cover and pull the battery out.
  2. Press and hold the Power key for 30 seconds.
  3. Replace the battery and then the back cover.
  4. Turn the phone on.
  5. Now observe closely if the phone would still turn off or reboot.
However, if the problem occurs many times a day, say 5 times or more, it surely is a battery issue. Since you couldn’t get a new phone, buying a new battery is your best bet to fix this problem.

Galaxy S4 randomly reboots after firmware update

Problem: Hi, I updated by Samsung Galaxy S4 recently and since then it keeps shutting down on its own and restart. There are instances when the phone freezes for several seconds to a minute (I think), then it will reboot. It happens several times a day and I am sure prior to the update this problem didn’t happen. I am at loss here because I’m not really that technical and I need my phone for a job. I still have more than six months left in my contract before I can upgrade so, basically, I need to get the most of this phone. I need your expertise on this. Thank you! Any help will surely be appreciated.
Troubleshooting: As I said earlier, corrupt caches and data in the system may greatly affect the performance of the phone. In fact, many users experienced reboots and auto shut down after firmware updates especially major ones. But since we really don’t know for sure if only the caches were affected, we need to perform a general troubleshooting procedure and it should start with the wiping of the cache partition.
  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key, Power key
  3. When the phone vibrates, let go of the Power key but continue to press and hold the Volume Up key and the Home key.
  4. When the Android System Recovery screen appears, release the Volume Up and Home keys.
  5. Press the Volume Down key to highlight ‘wipe cache partition.’
  6. Press the Power key to select. The phone will automatically restart after the cache is wiped.
After the procedure, closely observe your Galaxy S4 to know if the problem was fixed. If not, then you have no other option but to perform a master reset. But before you do that, make sure to back up all important data and files saved in the phone’s internal storage as they will all be deleted.
  1. Switch your phone off.
  2. Hold down the Power, Volume Up and Home buttons at the same time for about 10 seconds. Release them when the Android logo appears on the screen. This will bring up the unlock/reset menu.
  3. To navigate through this menu, use the volume up/down buttons to scroll up and down and the power button to confirm selections.
  4. Scroll down and select Wipe Data/Factory Reset.
  5. Scroll down and select Yes – Delete All User Data.
  6. When prompted, scroll to and select Reboot System Now. The phone will then reboot to its factory settings.
The reset will fix the problem for sure, otherwise, you need someone who knows how to manually flash a firmware and have it reinstalled on your phone.

Galaxy S4 shows errors, freezes and then reboots

Problem: I have a Galaxy S4 that’s more than two years old already and as of late, it started to show a bunch of errors relating to some apps that stopped working. Then, the phone will freeze and hang sometimes. But most of the time when those errors pop up, the phone will reboot. The most annoying thing is that the problem could happen even if I’m on a call. It happened several times already that my callers thought I dropped the calls, which I didn’t. How can I fix this problem without going for a trip to a technician or paying for anybody’s services? Thank you!
Troubleshooting: Now let’s go to some more complicated issues. The fact that there are errors that keep popping up is evident some apps have conflicts with the firmware. The users didn’t mention if the problem started after an update because if it did, then following the procedures above will fix this issue.
However, for the mind that wants to know more, one way to know if it’s just the apps that’s causing the random reboots or the firmware is to boot the phone in safe mode.
  1. Turn the device off completely.
  2. Press and hold the Power button.
  3. Once the Samsung Galaxy S4 logo appears on the screen, release the Power button.
  4. As soon as you release the Power button, press and hold the Volume Down key.
  5. Continue holding the Volume Down key until the phone has completed the reboot process.
  6. If you can read ‘Safe Mode‘ at the bottom left corner of the screen, release the Volume Down key. Otherwise, repeat the process until you can boot the phone to Safe Mode.
If the errors still show and the phone still reboots, it means the problem is with the firmware and the master reset (step-by-step instructions above) can fix it. However, should the phone works normally in safe mode, it means only some of the third-party apps are crashing and causing the reboots. One way to know which one is to go through each error and get the name of every app mentioned. And then, you can go ahead and uninstall them. If there are plenty of them and you’re not really into uninstalling each problematic one by one, then backup your data and follow the instructions on how to master reset your phone. That will do it.
I hope this post can help you one way or the other.
Thanks for reading and we wish you all the best.
How to Reset Your Android Phone or an iPhone

How to Reset Your Android Phone or an iPhone

Are you facing problems with your Android phone? Most of the times, a factory reset helps you to fix issues. It is a perfect solution when you are having problems with touch screen, navigation problems, phone won’t power on at all and others. Factory reset is also useful when you want to sell your Android phone or just start with a clean state. This process will restore your phone to the state it was when it left the factory or how it was when it came off the assembly line. With factory reset, your phone will be going to be in a brand new state.

Before you reset your Android phone, it is important to backup your data such as pictures, contacts, messages etc. so that you don’t lose any useful details. So, the process will be doing a full backup and then performing a Factory Reset.
Here are the methods to reset your Android Phone:

Method 1:

  1. Go to your phone’s Settings. The settings can have varying icons depending on your device and can be easily found within the App tray.
  2. Under Personal or Privacy, you will find the option of Backup and Reset. Tap it.
  3. Now, scroll down to Factory Reset. Make sure that you have the checkbox ticked against backup up my data.
  4. When you tap Reset device, it will ask for confirmation to Erase Everything. If you want to erase all data on phone’s SD Card as well, check the box at the bottom of the screen that says Format SD Card.
  5. Now tap, Reset Phone.
This process will delete all data and restore back your device’s factory settings. It will be as it was when came out of the box.
reset your Android phone

Method 2:

  1. Power off your smartphone.
  2. Press and hold the recovery buttons. The combinations of buttons differ from device to device and some of the common ones include Volume Up + Home + Power, Volume Down + Power or Home + Power. If none of these work, you can search for your phone’s model to know the combination for recovery mode.
  3. You’ll now see a menu with several options. Use the Volume down key to navigate through the options. Go to Factory Reset and select it by using Power key.
Wait for a few minutes and your phone will do the rest of the things. You can follow any of these methods to reset your Android phone.

Reset an iPhone

  1. Go to Settings, select General tab.
  2. Now, look for option to Erase All Content and Settings.
  3. Tap it and confirm.
  4. Now, your iPhone will reboot completely clean and fresh.
reset your Android phone
By now your iPhone should be in factory default .